...which is pretty much the way that all the conversations between me and Joey start. Which is also why he is my best friend. Beacuse nothing is better than getting a text at 2 a.m. that says, "Are you awake? I have gossip."
Joey started working at the same restaurant as me about two weeks after I started. We bonded over being new and talking shit about the people who were bitches to us for being new. And also that we have the same hair. I took over a table for him at work once and he had told them they wouldn't even notice the difference because their new server looked exactly like him. Last night we went out after work and he told me he brought hairspray for both of us. He is endlessly entertaining, incredibly innappropriate and he constantly has me giggling.
I was so glad that my mom got to meet him when she visited. He served us when we had dinner at Almond and she loved him. She said she was glad I had found a friend like him here and he said "your mom is a fucking peach", which makes me love him even more. She really is a peach.
In this day and age (I wonder if there's a phrase I could use that could make me sound older) we are so used to texting people and are more likely to click "like" on a photo than to dial a friend's number, but Joey called me the first day he had my number. I remember being surprised as I answered expectantly, waiting for the important question that just couldn't wait for a text message response, or to hear the crazy story that required an audible reaction... but Joey was just calling to chat. He makes an effort with people which is something I need to learn to do more. He strives to be social and to connect with his friends and to do fun, new things.
A night out with Joey is always a night to remember (even if I can't remember much). He is so fun to party with and go out and run around New York City, but he is also extremely supportive and the closest thing I have to family here. He has sat on the phone with me while I cried like a little bitch and has talked me through all the things I was dealing with. He makes me feel strong and confident and understood. I credit him for playing a big part in me finding myself and my confidence; he has helped me come out of my shell.
A couple of weeks ago a coworker had asked me how long we have been friends and was surprised when she heard we had only met at work a few months ago. She said we seemed to have such a tight bond and I told her we do. I am lucky to have him in my life.
Love you, Joey!